Uploaded on 2019-08-31 by Alkhaly Mohamed Tahey Condé
The most important stock and flow is the oil energy,because this good influences all activities in Conakry City,including electricity generation,transportation,commerce and services,industry,tourism,building,education,health care.When there is a brief shortage,all economic and social activities are stopped,degraded and in jeopardy.The reserved stock is protected and only used when there is a lag in the process of command,storage and distribution.Sometimes,the government can borrow the stock of the minin companies,to avoid riot,panic and severe trouble.There is a stock in security,to provide the principal and strategic units and operations.To reduce excess demand,and stimulate energy efficiency,prices are adjusted,with a strong demand side management.The Government will foster a great program to promote the clean and renewable energy,including solar energy,to stimulate the global productivity and competitiveness of the economy.International development banks and international organization are supporting the energy and ecology transition,to push the programme Sustainable energy for all.The program of valorization several rivers sites,with the stocks anf flows of water is particularly encouraged,engaging the local autorities.Some programs in education,training,research and development are boosted,backing by the World Bank Group,China,European Union,the United States of America,Japan,India,and Switzerland.What is specialy needed now is a strong and better governance ,within consolidated institution,in a context of transparency,full accountability,credibility,a good system of information-communication and monitoring-evaluation. Voila!