Uploaded on 2016-09-08 by Andrew McIntyre
Construction used to be a localised activity, but with the advancement of construction processes and construction materials almost every building contains components of a globalized economy." Photo shows a range of building types with various materials Modern Sky Scraper - has cement made in Australia; steel made in China from raw materials in Australia, South America and Asia extracted using machinery made in China and Japan .... ; windows made in New Zealand; wiring made in Asia (somewhere) with copper sourced from numerous third countries; electrical components using materials and rare minerals from across the world and so. The less modern single storey structure uses wood sourced locally, steel roof manufactured locally from materials from Australia; paint manufactured locally from imported materials; window panes were originally made locally from Australian sourced product - and the cement was manufactured locally from some imported materials and local products. The coconut tree represent the housing that was just down the road (but couldn't fit in photo) - all made from coconut and local hardwoods, with some imported iron roofs (to supplement the coconut thatch) and treated pine flooring.