Uploaded on 2019-08-24 by Ruben Gayarre
STOCKS in Madrid Bars and restaurants: Over 15.000, 1 local every 211 inhabitants, one of the highest in the world. https://www.elmundo.es/madrid/2016/08/22/57bb446eca474137398b45c7.html Museums: Madrid rank 13th in the world in the number of museums. https://www.insider.com/worlds-most-cultural-cities-2017-3#13-madrid-spain-18 Empty flats. Despite rent prices have been rising at double digit since the end of the crisis due to higher mortgage costs and more demand for renting there are 150.000 empty houses in Madrid many of them property of banks and international hedge funds. https://elpais.com/ccaa/2016/07/11/madrid/1468265185_217059.html FLOWS in my district Primary and high school students. This is a staying flow as most families live nearby a school in my district. Commuters. A leaving flow of workers leave my district taking the subway, the train or their private car towards the city center or the city headquarters of big corporations outside my district. Air pollutants. Such as N02 and 03 enter my residential district from the city center and the manufacturing areas along highways. The photo is taken by me from a bus early in the morning. The road you see are going North (leaving the city) and during the morning rush hour are empty. This process inverts during the evening rush hour.