Uploaded on 2016-09-04 by Salvador Calgua
Components of a globalized economy. This is the third social sustainable house in Guatemala, but the first one in the city. In my opinion this is a great example of how with diferent materials people can priovide 3 basic service (Water, energy and sanitation) and also provide a great enviromet for living. The first floor of this house is made of stone, the second floor is made of bamboo. The colums and beams from the first floor are made of concrete. Concrete and steel are local. We got alot of cement in my country and let's say that is cheaper and "safe" than other materials. I must be a little bit sarcastic about the situation with concrete, my call it's on bamboo in my opinion it's better build with bamboo and other materials. (of course looking for another alternatives and also looking for being friendly with the enviorment). The stone from the walls were in the site and the bamboo provider comes from about 60kms. So i think that this it's a great example of the convergence of different materials or components of a globalized economy that can provide a shelter and also provide 3 basic service.