Uploaded on 2019-08-22 by edX Student
The picture on the left was taken from a neighboring area of Jakarta, while the one on the right is the city center on a car-free weekend. The neighboring area has mild climate, and a lot of forests and parks. It is ideal for spending a quiet and relaxing weekend. It is in contrast to Jakarta's crowded streets and hot and humid climate, and heavy air pollution. One suggestion to reduce UHI is to ensure that sidewalks retain their tree covers (where possible), amidst the ongoing road improvements and constructions in the city. Trees and sidewalks tend to be the first to go when there are problems on traffic congestion. Another suggestion is to incorporate green design in buildings, to reduce electricity consumption from the use of air conditioners especially in high-rise residential and office buildings. Another is to promote the use of public transport to reduce emissions and pollution caused by private vehicles. The development of public transport infrastructure in the city has eased congestion and pollution in the city, and further improvements are expected in the near- and medium-term.