Uploaded on 2019-06-04 by Mariani Dan Taufner
2. Accordding to the website pt.climate-data.org the temperature of Niterói normally isn’t bigger than 30ºC on January (most heat month). Despite this, the local newspaper (cidadeniteroi.com) reported that in January of 2019 the thermometers recorded temperatures reach more than 40ºC. In a nearby town - Teresópolis, where some places have characteristics of rural area, the temperature isn’t bigger than 25°C in January, but wasn’t fund records of high temperatures out of the ordinary. The UHI effect of the city is clearly due to the excess of buildings and the lack of green spaces that regulate the temperature. Another point to note is the amount of automobiles that circulate in these regions and contribute to the increase of local heat. 3. I would propose more open spaces with green areas in all city - not sectorized of course and I would discourage car use. I think it’s better smaller green areas scattered throughout the city than only a large one. 4. Although the problem is quite present in the city where I live, government officials seem not to seek measures to mitigate this. The government promised to plant more trees in the city a years ago, but this was not fulfilled.