Uploaded on 2019-05-14 by PARANGAM SARMA BASISTHA
Answer to Question no. 1: Top livability criteria: 1. Environment | 2. Education | 3. Economy | 4. Health care | 5. Housing Answer to Question no. 2: I live in Guwahati, the only Metropolitan city of Assam, India. I started to live in this city for pursuing Higher education. No I work in Guwahati. The main reasons why I live in this city are: I)Education II) Job Opportunities, III) Culture, IV) Economy, V) Housing Answer to Question no. 3: 3-Ideal Livability Criteria for Guwahati : I)Education (40/100), II) Job Opportunities (50/100), III) Culture (70/100), IV) Economy(40/100), V) Housing (50/100) Livability score: 50/100 Answer to Question no. 4: I would like to have a better environment and economic improvement of the city so that people can live healthy and nobody remains poor. For a developing country like India, and of a underdeveloped State of Assam; Guwahati needs to cater more job opportunities in future. Increase funding and public private partnerships I will encourage to facilitate Infrastructure and affordable housing developments. Answer to Question no. 5: In case I would decide to change a place of residence than I would like to move to 1. New town, Kolkata, 2. Zurich, Switzerland,