Uploaded on 2016-08-24 by AR.M.SENTHIL
STEP 1: FIVE MOST LIVE ABLE CITIES 1.Chennai 2.Mumbai 3.New delhi 4.Trivandrum 5.Tirupathi STEP 2: FIVE CHARACTERS THAT MAKES CITY MORE LIVE ABLE 1. NOISE 2. CITY TRAFFIC 3. POPULATION [ DENSITY ] 4. BUILDINGS 5. ROADS STEP 3: I am living in Chennai City, India. In terms of characteristics mentioned above there will be background noise in my city, which i felt it is more lively, then the very next factor is city traffic, population of the city - u can't see any isolated public places in city. The buildings and roads were the elements which influence the character of the city. To make chennai city, more sustainable the setbacks between buildings for air movements to be implemented, city traffic can be controlled through increasing road widths.