United States, Bridgeport
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 3: "Factors of Livability"
Uploaded on 2019-02-12 by Mark Stepsis
1-San Diego 2-San Antonio Texas, 3-Vancouver BC, 4-New York City, 5-London. Climate, variety of amenities, beauty, affordability, walkability are the most important characteristics. My city, Bridgeport, Connecticut USA only has pleasant weather for part of the year. The quality and variety of amenities is low. My neighborhood of Black Rock is one of the few visually attractive parts of the city and the most walkable neighborhood in the area. Though housing is affordable, taxes are very high compared to the quality of the services. I would like to see greater mixed use development and density in my neighborhood, which would attract more services. I would also like to see more efficient use of the space around the commuter rail station by replacing the immense number of parking spaces with high density housing. Since Black Rock is already walkable, it should become more so by putting people in the spaces currently reserved for cars. Higher density would also support better transit service, both rail and bus. A better bicycle infrastructure would add to these improvements.