Uploaded on 2019-01-18 by the imagen is taken of the web page of Official tourism website
Q1.Safety, Job Oportunities, Sanitation Standard, education and Recreation possibilities. Q2.Barrio Salamanca its a nice safe place, close to health centers and Hospitals. Have good options schools, libraries and cultural centers, with a varied and nearby recreational possibilities such a parks, playgrounds, sports centers, etc. Have a good public transport connectivity too. Q3.Safety (15/20), Job Oportunities, (10/20), Sanitation Standard (15/20), education (15/20) and Recreation possibilities (15/20). gran total 70/100. Q4.It would introduce a normative framework associated with taxation for stimulate and promote the nature of the city, urban gardens, green buildings. Q5.1 Boston, Zurich and Ámsterdam. Q5.2 Safety, Job Oportunities, Sanitation Standard, education and Recreation possibilities.