Uploaded on 2019-01-04 by Jacques Buesche
The impact of electricity is huge. A fact probably everyone can agree on. It not only shapes the way we build but has grown into something surrounding us in our environment. Electricity supports communication, mobility, our wellbeing by spending warmth, whole industries and so much more. In order to provide us this luxury it has to become a mobile source reaching every part of population. The most common way on territorial level are high voltage transmission lines as seen on the picture. Even though they present us a highly efficient solution they often are attacked due to health risk and therefore underground distribution is an alternative which is already used on a huge scale. Still these ways of energy shipment contain a problem on sustainability and efficiency level. In future it will be necessary to provide further alternatives for example by producing electricity on a local level (eg photovoltaic) and thereby using the building as a storage for electricity. The building becomes part of a much bigger system. A system allowing the individual to continue enjoying all advantages of modern electricity time without overburden its environment even though it shouldn’t be an excuse for excessive and unpremeditated lifestyle.