United States, Affton
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2018-12-28 by Mike Fabrizi
Picture: The uploaded picture shows a street scene in Affton, a “car suburb” of St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Early December 2018. Taken by my sister; not copyrighted or patented. 1. Visible: A street in early evening in typical American suburb post 1945. No tall buildings. No coffee shops. No sidewalk culture. Low density & single-family residences. No transit stops. Low density. 2. Invisible: (1) Public transportation is poor. Corroboration: Mapificent(https://www.mapnificent.net). Look at area one could traverse using only public transportation in 15 minutes for the area to the south west of the city core, just outside the boundary of St. Louis, Missouri. Compare with Stuttgart Germany or other European cities for same time interval of transport. (2) Lack of creative class suggests lower income. Corroboration: Zip Atlas (http://zipatlas.com/us/mo/saint-louis/zip-code-comparison/median-household-income.htm), average household income for the this area (Zip Code 63123) is a little more than 42K USD per annum. It ranks 10,072 in all US zip (postal) codes, when rank-ordered by average family income. 3. Improvement Program: Knowledge – This place is presently unattractive and needs more urban amenities. Also, it would benefit from some high-density housing, and closing streets to cars. Confirmation of greater density via smartphone apps & other sensors.