Uploaded on 2018-12-01 by Colin
- flow of traffic (https://lenews.ch/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Traffic-congestion-Switzerland.pdf viewed on 1.12.18) A study of the daily density and flow of traffic shows congestions at peak working hours. A better understanding of the main road arteries could help in developing new parallel road systems to help with the flow of traffic. - flow of tourists (http://www.lausanne.ch/en/lausanne-en-bref/lausanne-un-portrait/un-portrait/economie/survol/tourisme.html) An increase in tourism in the past years, by analysing the specific areas of touristic values and interests, more infrastructures could be built to better accommodate the growing numbers and to have its economical benefits directed towards building these infrastructures. - flow of water (http://www.lausanne.ch/en/thematiques/loisirs-et-detente/pour-les-lutins/balades-et-visites/balades-thematiques/La-ville-et-l-eau.html file:///Users/cendrine.colin/Downloads/Water_in_Switzerland%20(1).pdf) The stock of water remains about the same yearly. Usage may increase as the density of the population increases each year. A better vision of where most water is waisted could help in attributing water in more efficient ways, possibly allowing its usage on draught years in the vineyards.