United Kingdom, London
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2018-11-22 by Julie Maksimova
This is a picture of Brick Lane, Shoreditch neighbourhood of London. From the photography we can following invisible information: 1. We can judge on the type of activity that runs in this area, or at least in this segment of the Brick Lane. We see that the ground-floors of the buildings are occupied by various commercial facilities (restaurants, fabrics sellers, real estate agencies etc.) while the upper floors are most definitely residential. 2. We can notice that the number of people present on the streets is quite low and the traffic is calm. We also have to note that the image was taken at 16:50 on a Monday. The information observed in the point 1 can give knowledge about the functions that neighbourhood provides, which in this case are mixed - commercial and residential. It also seems that it is not a business neighbourhood and not many people commute there during the day, which is confirmed by the point 2, where we saw that the area looked empty even though the picture was taken around the end of working hours. This knowledge may help in the future zoning of the cities and finding a perfect balance between these different functions.