Uploaded on 2018-11-12 by Víctor Serna
1_ • Las Vegas (24th) • Miami (17th) • Albuquerque (22º) 2_The specific situation of the city of Bilbao, as well as its temperate climate, greatly conditioned by its proximity to the Cantabrian Sea, as well as its configuration of streets and trees mitigate (in comparison with the chosen cities of the USA) the urban island generated, which in its biggest difference with respect to nearby rural points (airport) is 1-2º. This gradient may be due to the particular orography of each situation, so it is not estimated as a problem of greater magnitude such as energy dependence. 3_Above the situation seems the tree the solution that solves the problem of the island of urban heat; shading the trees mitigates the few days in which the mixture of temperature, humidity and radiation can be problematic for human comfort. 4_Because of the mild climate, the policies against the island of heat are secondary or subject to major problems.