Uploaded on 2018-08-02 by Ron
1) In my country Oil and Natural gas are the most used sources of energy. Whe are localy producing the natural gas so it's cheap and easely available. 2) The biggest consumers are the (petro)chemical industry and the transport sector. Besides consumption whe are big transporters of energy carriers. Because of our natural location we have big habours which are used as energy hubs for the rest of europe (import-export). So we are making good money by transporting energy. 3) We are producing Naturalgas from the 50's and because of that the area where the production takes place get influenced by earthquake's. So we want to get rid of the gas and change to more renewable energy carriers. Wind and solar power are the obvious solutions for getting the transportsector al electric. For heating the houses in the cities waterheating system are being developed which can be heated by solar/windpower ore with residual heat from the industry.