United Kingdom, Chesterfield
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( Self- Paced) - Compulsory Exercise 2
Uploaded on 2018-05-21 by Claire Moore
1: Climate Central website checked. 2: Data for urban heat islands in Chesterfield is not available. However, checking averages, temperatures have risen over the past few decades. I get specific measurements from my car’s thermometer. Travelling through the centre of Chesterfield is on average 2-3 degrees Celsius hotter than being out on the suburban margins. The reasons are: heat reflecting off buildings; built up traffic; and density of housing. (Equally, in the winter months, the suburbs tend to be 2-3 degrees colder. 3: Proposed measures: in summer, temperatures are seldom unpleasant. In winter, the warmth is beneficial in terms of environmentally lessening energy usage for heating. To reduce heat build-up, I would paint buildings light colours to minimise heat absorption, increase public transport and give it right-of-way over private transport to encourage usage. I would have ‘Park and Rides’, lessening the amount of city centre traffic and I would protect green spaces. 4: UHI policies in Chesterfield. There are no specific UHI policies or they are not published. Environmental policies are pursued such as increasing public transport, providing and maintaining parks, encouraging ‘passive house’ building and regulating zoning laws to ensure green belts break up urban sprawl.