Uploaded on 2018-05-05 by Andrés F Mendoza
An optimal citizen participation is that where ordinary people, without technical knowledge related to urban planning, participate and give ideas of how they would like to live, what to improve, what to avoid, what to integrate. The first process is to collect the ideas for an specific issue as the renovation of the streets, a new park or one community centre. The wider the range of population, the better. For instance: children, teenagers, workers, elderly. As perfect as the ideas from the citizens could look, it is also helpful to analyse these ideas in a technical board along with the community. So citizens will understand what processes can be better than others, but they will feel part of the project and then, they will take responsibility for the outcome. If they are aware of the process and outcome, it is likely that they care about their environment afterwards being that they worked on it. I do not own the rights of the image