Argentina, San Miguel de Tucumán
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( Self- Paced) - Compulsory Exercise 2
Uploaded on 2018-03-28 by Carmen Andrade Zamora
2. Which are the main UHI effects that you can identify in your area? Temp. today in Villa carmela Villa Carmela, Tucumán martes, 22:00 Despejado con intervalos nubosos Despejado con intervalos nubosos 18°C | °F Prob. de precipitaciones: 0% Humedad: 80%. Viento: a 8 km/h. The temperature is always lower in the area where I live (Villa Carmela) than in the Microcenter of San Miguel de Tucuman, i am feel the temperature graduation with greater difference in the summer season traveling from my town to the center. 3. I think that in the microcentros it is very difficult to try to reduce the heat island temperature because there are not many possibilities of modification. It would be good to have more restrictions in the planning code regarding the f.o.t and f.o.s to avoid the street canyons and have more green spaces that are able to avoid the long wave reflections between buildings. 4. n this city there are no policies to reduce the UHI effect, the only regulation that could pose restrictions or guidelines to improve the heat islands is the urban planning code