Uploaded on 2018-02-01 by Lars Duindam
In the file you can find my whole report including explanation and images. 1) Top-5 criteria: 1. Health Care 2. Education 3. Safety 4. Housing 5. Climate 2) I live in Delft, the main reasons are: 1. My university is located in Delft 2. Many of my friends moved to Delft as well 3. I felt like I was ready to move out of my parents' house 4. It's relatively cheap to live in cheap 5. The city of Delft is just amazing 3) Criteria: Score 1. Health Care 85 2. Education 95 3. Safety 70 4. Housing 80 5. Climate 80 Overall 85 4) As a mayor of Delft, the first thing I would change are the outskirts of the city. The majority of the population in these areas are foreigners. It’s in particular the younger generation that cause all the problems. They hang out on the streets all day, terrorizing the neighbourhood. They lack education and/or don't have any kind of job. 5) Dubai, Hong Kong, New York Reasons: 1. Work possibilities 2. Accessible technology 3. Lively atmosphere 4. Local climate 5. More money