Uploaded on 2017-12-15 by krimskii
1) What are the dominant fossil fuels? Our country has raw-material-intensive economy, and renewable energy accounts for only 0.6%. Main energy sources are (Mtoe) - coal 27.35 | gas 26.67 | oil 14.94 2) Where are the dominant fossil fuels mainly used? Industry - especially in extraction and primary treatment of raw materials for export. Then comes transport and residential use. 3) Create a new policy: Wind energy - Kazakhstan has potential to generate 10 times as much power as it currently needs from wind energy alone. It has high cost, and should be implemented gradually. Small hydropower plants - construction of hydroelectric power plants on small rivers operating without retaining dams. Issue regulating standards and grant subsidies, than pass it to private sector, so that people could afford its installation. Solar energy - Kazakhstan has areas with high insolation that are suitable for solar power. I would suggest to build factory that produces solar panels. Bioenergy - exploit biomass wastes. Provide population with information on how to produce energy from household wastes. Make small bioreactors accessible, and lend assistance at the country level. In attached file I've drawn visualization on governmental action plan.