South Africa, Johannesburg
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 3: "Factors of Livability"
Uploaded on 2017-12-12 by Cornelius Joubert
Most Liveable Cities 1. Okinawa (Japan) 2. Sardegna (Italy) 3. Valletta (Malta) 4. Basel (Switzerland) 4. Vancouver (Canada) Attributes of Liveable Cities (that South Africa and Africa does not have): 1. Most liveable cities with the highest liability score are located on waterways, are coastal town or are islands 2. Liveable cities are quiet, tranquil and are located in the Northern hemisphere 3. In liveable cities you feel at ease, the city has a rich heritage, are rich in arts and culture and are cool 4. In most liveable cities you get a sense of community, people still communicate, life is slower and an effort towards "Joie de vivre" is made 5. I specifically see cities which fall into "Blue zones" (cities where the population live to be the oldest on earth) to be VERY high on the list as liveable In South Africa where I stay Cape Town is the best version of a city that responds to the attributes of the the most liveable cities. Sadly I live in Johannesburg and do not have the opportunity to get to Cape Town often enough. In this photo my family are on the beach in Cape Town (Camps Bay).