Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 3: "Factors of Livability"
Uploaded on 2017-11-25 by Daisy Baur
a: Here is a list of five most liveable cities I have been to. I am ranking them from the most liveable city. 1 - Rotterdam - Netherlands, 2 - Brisbane - Australia, 3 - Aomori - Japan 4 - Souel - South Korea 5 - Makati - Philipines b:Here are five characteristics according to my own personal opinion of what makes a city liveable ranked from most important down. 1 - Efficient Public Transportation 2 - Land uses are complimenting each other resulting in creating convenience for citizens 3 - Security and safety guaranteed 4 - Green and Compact cities 5 - Cool and noise free cities c: I think a place is liveable when it has a high connectivity and accessibility rate. Port Moresby though a small city (250 square kilometers of land area, and a population of 700 000), it can become very expensive moving from point A to point B because of in existence of public transport routes into most residential areas. Safety becomes an issue and land uses do not compliment each other in most cases resulting in issues like traffic congestion during peak times, too expensive going around in the heat of the day.