Uploaded on 2017-11-22 by tstesco
The app follows from Marshall McLuhan's famous statement that "the medium is the message", in this application people comment on and propose new directions for specific places in the city by digitally tagging things to those spaces precisely. This is very similar to geotagging, but has an additional augmented reality aspect that the discourse and data would be represented overlaid on its subject precisely and could only be viewed in those spaces. The intended effect being that people must explore these spaces physically to understand them in the digital sense. This could be implemented using a computer vision system that accurately renders content in its intend position and pose, even as the user changes their viewpoint. Content would include photos, drawings, text, and collected data from sensors either installed nearby semi-permanently or from a user's smartphone (the example in the image only shows text). Content could be classified by people and machines into different "layers" that could be turned on or off given a user's preferences. A combination of a dynamic local cyber-forum and digital graffiti.