United States, Williamsport
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 3: "Factors of Livability"
Uploaded on 2017-11-20
Most liveable cities in my experience: Cincinnati, OH; Pittsburgh, PA; Chicago, IL; Baltimore, MD; New York, NY Characteristics of Liveability: Availability of affordable but safe residential areas; Availability & ease of transportation; Availability of decently paying jobs; Friendliness of locals; Variety of things to do in leisure time Status of current city: Availability of affordable but safe residential areas – 6/10 (areas are becoming less safe in recent years, and affordability varies due to influx of workers in the natural gas drilling field) Availability & ease of transportation – 8/10 (public transportation system is pretty good, but it is also still possible to drive around without too much traffic disruption) Availability of decently paying jobs – 7/10 (there is a variety of service and manufacturing jobs available in the local area) Friendliness of locals – 7/10 (most people are nice and still willing to be helpful, even to strangers) Variety of things to do in leisure time – 5/10 (some local brewery and restaurant gems, but little variety in the local area)