Uploaded on 2017-11-16
1. Temperature differences in US cities New York - 20 grad F Las Vegas - 24 grad F Los Angeles - 27 grad F 2. Which are the main UHI effects that you can identify in your area? the Netherlands. The average temperature inside the city is higher then outside the city approximately: - 4 grad Celsius - cities with population 10.000 inhabitants, - 7 grad Celsius - cities with population 200.000 inhabitants. Source: The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) The main reasons of the temperature difference are: - small Sky-View-Factor and no air-turbulation, - limited evaporation a most of area in the city covered by asphalt, - air pollution by cars, - heat stored in the concrete constructions. 3. Which-are-the-measures-you-would-propose? - the vegetation on the roofs and facades = cooling effect and reduction air pollution, - the selection of building materials, - reductions number cars in the cities, - providing central systems for cooling and heating of the buildings. 4. Is UHI effects-concerning-policy-making-in-your-area The energy requirements become stronger due to the buildings energy consumption, the old cars are not allowed inside cities. There are a number of initiatives which are providing using sustainable applications in the buildings.