Uploaded on 2017-11-07 by Chad St.Catherine
A simple interface app designed to help with movement and livability within my city. Such ways are: - Report (field): Crime is prevalent within the city, so a live report by an affected citizen could alert a nearby "city police" agent to a recent incident. Agents themselves would be connected via the app and hopefully be active on the scene if close. Reports could be made for other matters within the city like, pollution, vandalism, vehicular incident, etc. - Events: City events, causes and fundraisers would have a wider reach in advertising to citizens. - Maps: Better movement and knowledge of city streets and bus stands for citizens and even visitors. - Inquiries: Queries and concerns from citizens will be collected. When sorted, the frequency of certain concerns within the city should be looked at by city authorities. Lastly, this app should serve as a medium between citizens and authorities which in hand serves a responsive strategy for my city, Castries.