Uploaded on 2017-10-19 by Carlos Hatae
Most liveable cities: - Tokyo - Toronto - Vancouver - Singapore - Melbourne Characteristics that make a city liveable: - Efficient public transportation - Solid education system - Public health system accessible for most of the population - People have access to parks or places where they can enjoy free time - Crimes at low rates Status of own city (São Paulo, Brazil): São Paulo is the 12th lagest city by population and is responsible for the major contribution in Brazil GDP, being the most important economical centre of Brazil, where big companies stablish offices and facilities. São Paulo's population is composed of various immigrants from different countries, being one of the largest japanese diasporas, european immigrants as well. Considering the characteristics listed above, São Paulo is far from being considered a top liveable city as crimes numbers are high, based on statistics of crimes per 100 inhabitant, public health system and education are inneficient and not accessible for all the population and traffic in São Paulo can make you lose hours of the day. In order to improve those characteristics and be more sustainable, São Paulo government should increase number of partnership between the public institution and private companies, having private schools and hospitals to accomodate more people where vacancy is available. Public transportation should be expanded through all the city, encouraging people to leave the cars at home and decrease traffic on the streets.