Uploaded on 2017-08-30 by Nicol
Provisioning services: Aberdeen still has a fair amount of agricultural land use outside the city bounds. This is one form of provisioning services through the provision of food to the city and beyond. This is crucial to the success of any civilisation. Regulating services: Trees both within and around the city are crucial to this category. They help to improve air quality as they help reduce the amount of pollution within the air. Furthermore, trees benefit the land as they erosion of the soils. In doing this they allow the ground to be used for agriculture, which in turn provides a provisioning service of food. Habitat services: Perhaps an obvious category of the benefits of ecosystems are by ensuring our wildlife has a place to both survive and thrive. Areas of wildlife allow us to preserve the Scottish animals, ranging from deer to rabbits to butterflies. Cultural services: Tourism in Aberdeen is closely linked to the offers from our ecosystems that have a powerful character to them. This is not only appealing to tourists, but to locals as well. They provide a place to relax and be one with nature which improves a sense of wellbeing. Who couldn’t help but feel better when immersed in the countryside shown in the attached picture?