Uploaded on 2017-08-25 by Diego Armando Gutiérrez Fonseca
1) In Costa Rica we are making a Project called: Environmental improvement of the metropolitan area of San José, its a Project from the costa rican institute of aqueducts and sewers, it will beneficiate 1,2 millon people, and it has a great social and environmental part, we have social planificators, sociologist, and other experts, and they are incharge of making the people involved in the Project so they can share they concerns and douds. 2) This is really easy actually, i have seen in many places this problema, and always has been the same answer, you have to involve the people into public spaces, making cultural or sport activities, you have to mantain a cicle of activities and also make maintenance of the place to avoid bad people to come nearby 3) I would use this document made by ETH http://www.ia.arch.ethz.ch/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/L05-Citizen-Design-Science-FS-2017-170327.pdf