Canada, Toronto
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2017-06-13 by LORENA CANALES
1.- The picture was taken june 2017 and shows Yonge-Eglinton Area of Midtown Toronto in Canada. This neighborhood is located at the center of the city and combines tower neighborhoods and tree lined streets. The area has had a sustained growth since 2000 and the government has the vision of high rise density. 2.- Invisible Information: Concentration of economic activities, the growth of infrastructure needs, the constant arrival of new families due to the condo building investment. 3.- The sustained condo buildings investment will increase the demand of education infrastructure. Based on the assessment of the future population growth and demographic change, the government could identify and prioritize the education infrastructure projects.