Uploaded on 2017-06-08 by Frederike Molt
Traditionally Denmark is a small country with limited resources. Due to the lack of forest and, thus wood, are the traditional building materials stone and bricks. Especially in the area of Sonderborg had been a huge brick industry in the past. Denmark is located in the norther area of Europe which means long dark winters but also warm summers due to the influence of the surrounding seas. Alsion the building i am going to talk about is made mainly out of concrete and glass. This creates an open and light building with a special atmosphere which is excellent for studying and research, but the chosen material can also provide problems. In winter the windows allow to light up the rooms with natural light but on the other hand the rooms seems to be a little cold. On sunny days though, is it quite opposite. The sun shines into the rooms and sometimes reflects on the screens of the laptops and heats up the rooms that it exacerbates the concentrated working. I think that a bright and open design provides a nice atmosphere but the downsides need to be considered too and maybe other materials could be used. This would maybe reduce the natural light inside the building but would also reduce some of the other issues that are provided by the current design. Due to the above mentioned size of Denmark and the fact that there is not too much industry in the southern area of Denmark the material used for buildings needs to be transported from other areas of Denmark or is imported from the neighbors or global partners of the involved companies.