Uploaded on 2017-06-04 by ADEOYE ADEMITILEWA
1. The dominant fossil fuels are biofuels and oil. 2. Oil is used for electricity and transportation.Without it we would be immobile and live in darkness. 3. In Nigeria, power supply is erratic at best and as a result, every average home in Nigeria has at least 2 generators. In my home, we use our generators for an average of 10 hours per day. The CO2 emission is alarming. Also, almost everyone that can afford it has at least one car. Cars run on fuel and we have to buy fuel every other day. Unfortunately, there is no functioning refinery in Nigeria so all our oil is exported to other countries for refining, after which we buy it back from them. This is clearly not a sustainable way of utilizing our resources. If I was tasked with environment-friendly policy making, I would emphasize the need for our own refineries. I would also create avenue for exploration of other sources of energy, renewable ones, and invest in research in order to relieve the pressure on oil. There is a lot of biowaste, there are areas with wind speeds adequate to run windmills, there is a lot of sunshine as we are in the tropics etc. In addition, I would create policies for recycling to reduce wastage. Research into storage and conservation of energy will be encouraged. There is also need to develop alternative means of transportation so that dependence on personal vehicles is reduced. Of course, all this will take many years to accomplish but I would like to set things in motion.