Uploaded on 2017-05-30 by Joost
Note - This image is an old news paper image that has little to do with my thoughts, as it is of the stadium in the city of enschede. The three stocks and flows that go through Enschede are People, Food, and Capital. There is a large student population that moves through the city to study at the University of Twente, with many people moving into the city for a few years before leaving again. The food to feed all of these people is not locally grown, and with a large market on saturday, a large quantity of fresh produce enters the city and stays there. Some of it leaves to neighboring or close areas as shoppers from even germany come to visit on the weekends. The capital flows into the city and many of the small businesses along with the people who come to Enschede. This capital flows also into the many startups the come from the university, some of which leave after a while to a place that is better suited to their business needs.