Uploaded on 2017-05-28 by Harish Gupta
My city is Panchkula near Chandigarh Step 1: List the five most live able cities based on own experience and judgment. Vienna Austria Zurich Switzerland Auckland New Zealand Munich Germany Singapore Singapore. Step 2:The five characteristics that make a city liveable can be: 1. Economic Vibrancy & Competitiveness (Job opportunities) 2. Domestic Security & Stability 3. Education, Health and recreational facilities 4. Environmental Friendliness & Sustainability 5. Political stability and Good Governance 6. Socio-Cultural Conditions Step 3: The five characteristics that you listed above. Propose how your city should/could be transformed in relation to these characteristics in order to be more sustainable. 1. less economic vibrancy and lack of competitiveness. 2. Adequate Domestic security and stability. 3. Except for educational facilities all other are in adequate and quite good. 4. Yes there is environmental friendliness but high use of air conditioning and dependency on electricity, and other sources of energy, construction materials used make it less sustainable. 5. Yes politically stable environment but governance needs to be improved. 6. Socio cultural conditions are good. City will be more livable if above shortcomings will be removed and public transport be made efficient and sustainable so that dependency of personal vehicles like cars and scooters may be reduced.