Uploaded on 2017-05-20 by DavidGurak
Factors of Liveability in Juba, South Sudan • Step 1: List the five most liveable cities that I know, based on my own experience and judgment 1. Reno, Nevada 2. San Diego 3. Dallas, Texas 4. Tempe, Arizona 5. Tucson, Arizona • Step 2: Five characteristics that according to my opinion make a city livable: 1. Good Weather is a the most aspect of making a city livable 2, Employment opportunities 3. Housing Affordability 4. Public transport Connectivity 5. Proximity to scenic Natural sites and Public Parks • Step 3: The status of my city in terms of the five characteristics that listed above is quite disappointing. My home town is Juba, South Sudan. Weather is not ideal in Juba; the city has two main seasons, dry season which tends to be very hot and a raining season. Lack of electricity makes weather changes less tolerable. Employment opportunities are very scarce with unemployment over 80 percent due to the collapse of South Sudan economy because of to its recent civil war. Housing affordability is a big challenge that the city of Juba is grappling with. Lack of decent housing with running water is a tremendous challenge that the city of Juba faces as well as lack of sewer lines. Due to low density of the city, houses are spread out throughout the city without adequate public transportation that connects people to their work. Natural scenic areas are abundance in and around Juba, however; they have not been develop in such a way to be utilized on a daily basis. City of Juba needs to add public parks in its master planning Photo Credit: https://www.google.com/searchq=Reno+nv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjosvfxgv7TAhVr34MKHTvJBicQ_AUICCgD&biw=1366&bih=613#tbm=isch&q=juba+south+sudan&imgrc=VLCDr1kTg8kMxM: