Uploaded on 2017-05-16 by Fiona Nixon
Singapore 2 UHI effects in my area Figures quoted at https://www.coolingsingapore.sg/uhi-singapore/ show an UHI effect in Signapore of 4.5 C to 7C. features contributing to UHI - The country is almost entirely urban with little rural hinterland, so Urban Heat Island is a slightly different concept here. It's measuring how much anthopogenic factors are increasing the temperature against a theoretical background. - It is noted by Roth et al that the UHI effect is greater in the hotter months, suggesting that domestic air conditioning is 'feeding back' to make the effect more pronounced - As a rough measure of green vs built-up area, Singapore's forested area (as % of land, World Bank 2015) is 23.1% low vs an average for small states of 36.5% - Windspeeds are also low (annual average 2.4m/2), reducing ability of localised hot-spots to be dissipated or cooled - Paving is extensive and often dark and impermeable. - There is a cultural dimension, although the effect may be small… If given an opportunity many people prefer to remove trees (fearing they will fall on cars, or bring bugs into the house) and pave over the back yard (to reduce maintenance) 3 Which UHI reducing measures would I propose - Gradual reduction of road surface as autonomous vehicles make highways more efficient - Increase of building heights with intermittent green decks, building form to encourage airflow and substitution of planting for paving at the ground level (WOHA approach) - Also through improved architectural form and materials reduce use of domestic and commercial air conditioning 4 Is UHI effect concerning policy making? http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/adequate-planning-key-to-mitigating-urban-heat-island-effect-teo-8005380 "Mayor of North West District (plus member of parliament, professional builder) reported speaking at the Fourth International Conference on Countermeasure to Urban Heat Islands, May 2016. Describes public housing design measures such as orientation, cross-ventilation, solar-voltaics on rooftops for power generation, reduction in power demand by use of energy efficient lighting and sensors, incorporating green spaces into high-rises. Due to the density of Singapore it is not just the CBD that has a heat island effect. Housing areas are also high rise and dense with a lot of hard road and parking coverage. The government develops the housing for 80% of residents so has a lot of control over the typology. " https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/05/150526093228.htm Researchers in Singapore developing microclimate modelling tool to inform UHI countermeasures. https://www.pub.gov.sg/abcwaters Public Utilities Board is progressively converting concrete canals into naturally landscaped waterways which will decrease stored and re-emitted heat from the concrete structures, increase green cover and (hopefully) gradually contribute to effect cultural change from extreme utilitarianism to a more nature-appreciative society.