United Kingdom, City of London
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( Self- Paced) - Compulsory Exercise 2
Uploaded on 2017-05-15 by Luke Flanagan
1. Check the temperature differences in US cities The top 10 cities with the most intense summer urban heat islands (average daily urban-rural temperature differences) over the past 10 years are: Las Vegas (7.3°F) Albuquerque (5.9°F Denver (4.9°F) Portland (4.8°F) Louisville (4.8°F) Washington, D.C. (4.7°F) Kansas City (4.6°F) Columbus (4.4°F) Minneapolis (4.3°F) Seattle (4.1°F) 2. Which are the main UHI effects that you can identify in your area? Now that you saw the significant effect of UHI in the US cities, can you provide data and information for your own place of residence? The main UHI Effects in London present themselves in the form of longer, warmer days, and much earlier spring and summer months. The significant contributors towards the UHI effect in london are typically a significant lack of green space and ecological services within the central city space, and pollution from the many busses and cars which frequent the city on a day-to-day basis. In addition to that, we want you to provide two images; the first one of a city and the second one of its surrounding rural area (preferably one of those areas is your place of residence). Compare the two images in terms of reasons that contribute to the UHI effect of the city. The two images that i've submitted are from Central London (Clerkenwell), and the surrounding area (Seven Oaks). The two images are in stark contrast to each other, both in terms of a comparison of hard and soft landscape, but also people who are present, and density of development. London is a very dense city, with little green space in the city itself, and more towards the outer areas such as hyde park, regents park, richmond park, and victoria park. the city itself features few trees with the exception being the banks of the river thames, and is predominantly hard paved, and densely built. the surrounding countryside by contrast is very green, features sparse development, and has an abundance of trees and vegetated areas. 3. Which are the measures you would propose? If you could take part in the decision-making process of an initiative related to the UHI effect, which are the measures that you would propose in order to reduce it and provide a more livable environment to the citizens? measures which i would propose to combat UHI effects would be related to building codes and policy, transport policy, and ecosystems policy. aspects such as density of development and quality of life would be high on the agenda, along with better public transport from renewable energy, and an urban forest policy which takes into account ecosystem services and biodiversity. 4. Is UHI effect concerning policy making in your area? Do you know of policies in your community that are planned to reduce the UHI effect? Provide us with information regarding any visible results. there are several policies which are aimed at reducing the causes of the heat island effect such as congestion charges to reduce cars within the central city, hybrid bus and car schemes, urban forest and tree related policy, and heat island studies to understand the causes of effects of the UHI.