Uploaded on 2016-07-13 by Alvaro Puertas Villavicencio
Hi! Here I am to share you my favourite cities, where I would love to live in. Well, actually, I have plenty of favourites, mostly located in Europe, but there is one place I must go: Bhutan. Since I've first read the stories and news about its gross national happiness, I just knew that I had to go. After Bhutan, I have all those marvelous european cities like Bern, Munich, Oslo and Zurich. These complete my five favourite but I have to accept that Europe will keep me not for long and I believe Adelaide or Perth in Australia would be great places to visit. Here, Lima is way way far from those cities I've just mentioned. Why? We have a lot of corruption, security makes all us suffer and economics, well, even if the tendency shows us that we are improving, that is not su much for real. Only a small sector is growing, and let me you, that's not mine, and neither is for 4/5 of the population. Just to get a taste of it, look at the results of our national elections this year, but check them by province. Regards, Alvaro PS. The image was taken from http://feelgrafix.com/979031-bhutan.html However, I wish it was me who actually took it. Someday...