Uploaded on 2017-04-11 by Diane de la Bourdonnaye
In order to understand what liveability means in practice, you will identify your personal preferences. You will develop this exercise in three steps: Step 1: List the five most liveable cities that you know, based on your own experience and judgment, placing the most liveable city at the top of the list. Vienna (Austria) Auckland (New Zealand) Tokyo (Japan) Vancouver (Canada) Melbourne (Australia) Step 2: Describe in your own words five characteristics that according to your opinion make a city liveable. Order them placing the most important at the top of the list. 1 - Neighbourhood (access to life, work and play) 2 - Transportation (safe and convenient options) 3 - Opportunity (inclusion and possibilities) 4 - Engagement (civic and social involvement) 5 - Housing (affordability and access) Step 3: Describe the status of your own city in terms of the five characteristics that you listed above. Propose how your city should/could be transformed in relation to these characteristics in order to be more sustainable. Paris is a city with a very good neighbourhood. This criterion is associated with opportunity, housing and transportation. Paris has a lot of infrastructure and everything is accessible. To be more sustainable, Paris has to change is engagement. Much progress can be made to achieve a good social and civic balance. Paris also need to improve is transportation to make it “cleaner” and sustainable. Today, transports too pollutes in Paris (as we can see on the picture), its important to make a change to have a more liveable city.