Uploaded on 2017-04-07 by Manuela Marin
1. CHICAGO WASHINGTON MEDELLIN MANIZALES BUCARAMANGA 2. I think for habitable city we need a good transportation infraestructure that garantized velocity and security for everyone, also we need a lot of Green zones, where people can enjoy the nature,can spend a family or a friends day without worries, but it is also important have a good waste organization that recolected separly all the trash (recycling mode) using what it is possible and leave it what it is no possible to reused. Cities should garantized culturals and sports alternatives so people can choose what they want to do in a free time and should garantized good educational centers for childrens, teenagers, and adults. 3. The city where I use to live is not a big city. The transportation is good, everything is closer so you do not have to spend a lot of time by bus or car. About the Green zones I can say that my city should offer new ones, because right now we have just a few of them and they are not enought for everyone. Other point that my city should do, is invert in the waste organization, because all the trash go to the same holl that is usually located outside the city; We are no recycling rigth now and I really think we should do it. About culturals and sports alternatives I can say that my city has a few, but they are not enought, we have for example scenarios for practice competitive sports, but we do not have scenarios like parks inside the city for practice free sports. About educational centers I think we have good ones, but it will be great invert more in that centers that we have, because the intalations are not in the best way. (THE IMAGE WAS DOWNLOAD FROM INTERNET)