United Kingdom, London
FC-01x Future Cities (Self-Paced) - Exercise 1 : "Making the Invisible - Visible"
Uploaded on 2017-03-27 by Thibault Audic
This photos reflects London's sunset. The two mains invible elements are that overall view of the city reflects the increasing need to develop and create new travel links all accross the city: in fact the city is reflected to be large and transportation links tend to be invisible in two ways: firstly they are underground most of the time and secondly because they tend to be assumed by passagers to be working efficiently on an every day basis. The second element is the protection of the skyline, in fact, for the past decade London has been booming and the need to protect (at least part of its skyline in order to be able to get the sun inside the city and to be able to still see sunsets within ten years). Finally the last invisble element is the centrally of London where within the zone 1 area people tend to converge everyday reflected by the height of the structures.