Uploaded on 2017-03-25
1. 1. Economy - almost all other factors (security, health, culture) are influenced by the economic wealth 2. Infrastructure - being able to move around quickly is quite important to also enable other factors 3. International connectivity - jobs in many industries can now be done remotely, e.g. all IT-related work such as software development, cloud based infrastructure etc 4. Political stability - this also enables and controls local economic situations, e.g. her ein Frankfurt concerning regulations around the financial sector 5. Safety and Health - The feeling of being in a safe environment is essential to be able to focus on the more important aspects of life 2. 1. Job, I work here 2. family, my family lives here 3. friends, my friends that I grew up with live here or can be reached easily 4. infrastructure, via plane/train I can reach almost any other part of the country/continent/world easily 5. safety and health - it's quite a safe place if you know which places to avoid 3. 1. Economy - 88 2. Infrastructure - 95 3. International connectivity - 97 4. Political stability - 92 5. Safety and Health - 88 Overall: 92 - quite a high standard compared to the rest of the world 4. Infrastructure - there's quite some potential to better deal with the increasing mass of travelers 5. 1. Copenhagen - infrastructure is there going much smoother (worked there for 9 months) and overall standard of living is higher, people are happier 2. New york - better in every aspect aside from jobs (higher competition) 3. Beijing - lower standard of living, yet larger population and more opportunities