I have never traveled to foreign countries, but looking at books and newsreels, European cities stand out in this habitability requirement. I believe Zurich and Geneva in Switzerland, Stockholm in Sweden, Oslo in Norway and Vienna in Austria. To mention only five characteristics that make the city more habitable is a challenge, because there is no rule, but an adaptability as diverse situations appear. That way, I believe that Management tops this list. In addition, Infrastructure, Economy, Culture and Health. In Macapa there are several problems, but most are due to inefficient public policies or even corrupt managers. In this way, it is necessary to set up efficient managers, in principle. The creation of a laboratory at the local level, which would work in a similar way to the Future Cities Laboratory, to make the city increasingly adaptable and successful in design decisions, for example. Our state is the only one in Brazil isolated, this represents our precarious infrastructure. The connection between cities does not occur by paved roads, in many of them. In his, the other characteristics are the reflection of the bad management of the city. Soon, Health, Education and Economy are affected and no city that seeks the status of habitable succeeds with bad managers. SOURCE:http://g1.globo.com/ap/amapa/noticia/2017/03/obra-de-ponte-entre-amapa-e-para-pode-ser-retomada-apos-oito-anos.html