Uploaded on 2017-03-12 by Rhianne Fiolka
The most important stocks and flows are food, density, and electricity. Because I live near a University, hospital and several transit stops, the density of the area is changing daily, as well as long term. The hospital and University are a type of stock, because we know they will be full with people almost every day. However, the neighborhood has become increasingly young with more restaurants, better transit stops, and secondary suites. This, in turn, changes the landscape of the neighborhood and creates more need for amenities that cater to this younger population. There is therefore a flow of younger people and a higher density in the area. With the increase in restaurants in my neighborhood, food is an important flow as well. Very little urban farming is done in Calgary due to the cold climate. Additionally, local food is only found in specialty stores, with the majority of food coming in internationally, creating a constant flow between he city and world at large. Lastly, electricity and climate control is a big flow in Calgary due to the polarizing seasons, and polarizing days. Temperature can frequently change 10-20 degrees in a day, creating a need for home heating and cooling systems to always be running. The majority of this energy would be coming from the oil sands in north Alberta. However this is a volatile market. In the future, and increase in alternative energy sources could keep our energy need more local and sustainable, specifically with solar power as Calgary is known to be the sunniest city in Canada. Therefore, more stock in energy nearby.