Uploaded on 2017-02-28 by Pierluigi Dentoni
Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy): migrants, cruisers, containers I have decided to apply the stocks and flows concept to people and goods related to the port of Cagliari: cruisers, migrants and containers. Cagliari is a historical city on the sea, and its economic attractiveness was based on its natural port. Today there are two ports: the commercial port and the industrial port. The commercial port is also the historical port and today it is mainly used for passengers, Ro-Ro, cereals, minerals and cruisers transport/traffic. The industrial port is more recent and today it is mainly used for the containers traffic from all over the world. Cruisers, migrants and containers are three kind of recent and very present stocks & flows. Cruisers are a clear and pure flow, as they arrive at the port with their cruise ship, they land and they spend part or some days (maximum 3 days) in the city, visiting its monuments and museums, eating typical Sardinian or Italian food, so using it and spending money. Cruisers have increased their number in the past years and they passed from 164,000 units in 2015 to 260,000 units in 2016 (+58.35 %) [*] thanks to new trade agreements and good consideration from the locals. In the future this flow could change for the benefit of the city in terms of sustainable increase, having more cruisers but also trying to move them on a territorial scale (all over Sardinia). Migrants are a clear example of flow and stock. In the last decade, Sardinia has faced and still is facing an important stream of migration (flow), divided in an ordinary stream from Europe, Asia and Africa, and the extraordinary stream related to the historical event of great migration from Northern Africa. In Cagliari, foreigners are 12,525 people (2.9 %) on a population of 431,657 people in 2015 [**], and they mainly come from Philippines (14.1 %), Romania (11.7 %), Senegal (10.4 %), Ukraine (9.7 %) and China (8.9 %) [**]. These stable immigrants (stock) are usually related to “community” job: Philippine and Chinese are usually related to Chinese/Japanese restaurants and cleaning service, Romania and Ukraine to elderly care. The great migration stream from Northern Africa (flow) hit Sardinia on a double point of view: firstly with the direct disembarkation of migrants who faced the terrific journey through the Mediterranean Sea on makeshifts boats, and secondly with the separate share that the Italian government entitled Sardinia in its Migrants Allocation plan. At the moment, these African migrants are hosted in public structures, waiting for new future plans of allocation (stock). At the moment as in the future, these stocks and flows change for the benefit of the city in terms of workforce increase (especially for mechanical jobs), rejuvenation of the local population and, as reported for 2015 [**], the revenues from immigrants are higher than the expenses for them. And last, containers are another example of flow and stock. The industrial port of Cagliari is facing a constant increase of the numbers of TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit, used to describe the capacity of container) [***]. These containers, coming from all over the world, have three different directions: they are unloaded in the port and then emptied for local use (stock), they are unloaded and moved to other ships (flow), they are unloaded and stocked in the port waiting to be moved via lorry (stock-flow). In the future this stock and flow could change for the benefit of the city in terms of sustainable increase, having more containers to be moved through more sustainable transportation. [*]http://www.ansa.it/ [**] Centro Studi Ricerche Idos, “Dossier statistico sull’emigrazione 2016” [***] http://www.contshipitalia.com