Portugal, Vila Nova de Famalicão
FC-02x Livable Future Cities ( Self- Paced) - Compulsory Exercise 2
Uploaded on 2017-02-18 by Maria Inês Sousa
2. Which are the main UHI effects that you can identify in your area? The density of buildings. not only the quantity of constructed structures but also the free space between them. too narrow streets for too tall buildings, this affects the perception of the place and the psychological feelings and also physical 3. Which are the measures you would propose? well, the density is almost impossible to revert so we have to mitigate, with trees on the streets, with green rooftops the feeling of walking and living in the city would be better. 4. Is UHI effect concerning policy making in your area? I'm not aware if there is some policies about that in my city, but I suspect not, because it is a small city, it's a village, so maybe the UHI is not very perceptive.