Uploaded on 2017-02-16 by ÇAĞAN KALELİ
if we check the the temperature differences between miami rural and miami city according to the climate central website. we can easily defind the huge distinction. there are nearly 17.0 degree celcius.the main reason of this distinctions is the city of miami consume energy more then its producing energy. because there is no sufficient green space to pruce clear oxygen. In fribourg, the city had been created on the green area which makes it productive city. but the city center consumes energy more than its need.an thats the problem. and also there are no much green space in the city . the streets are very small. there are lots of building but on the other hand the road are slight as we see on the picture. if i could take part in decision making process, i could absolutely restrict for new building constructions;the buildings should have produce their own energy without abide by energy of city and secondly all building should be constucted by sustainable materials and methods and last one is each building should have own green space for recreations for people.