Uploaded on 2017-02-09 by Guilherme Moyses Pfeffer
2. Which are the main UHI effects that you can identify in your area? Great Rio in Brazil is getting hotter during the days every year. Even still having a lot of urban forest, it is not enought to sustaine all the urban growth. During the summe our tempeatures could reach peaks ok 46 ◦C and during the winter we still have high avarege tempeatures. The two images attached are in Great Rio. The presence of nature and less buildings and less car make some neiborhoods cooller than others. 3. Which are the measures you would propose? Here we have urban forest and beachs composing a place with huge amount of nature. In this contexts the better improviment that the city could do is reducing the number of cars, incrising the public transportantion. 4. Is UHI effect concerning policy making in your area? We still do not have policies about this.