Uploaded on 2017-02-07 by Mohammad Ebrahim Ghadam Al Soltany
1. Which are your top livability criteria? 1st : economy 2nd : climate 3rd : job opportunities 4th : safety 5th : health care 2. Why do we live where we live? I am going to reside in Sydney, Australia. 1st : economy 2nd : climate 3rd : job opportunities 4th : safety 5th : health care 3. To what extend does your own place of residence fulfill your ideal livability criteria? 1st : economy ( score : 80) 2nd : climate ( score : 98) 3rd : job opportunities ( score : 85) 4th : safety ( score : 95) 5th : health care ( score : 95) Sydney in Australia : (score :90 ) 4. What would you change? I think if I have authority , I try to measure and improve economy situation. 5. Why do we move? I prefer to reside in : 1st: Melbourne 2nd: Los Angles 3rd: New York city because of these criteria as order : 1st : economy 2nd : climate 3rd : job opportunities 4th : safety 5th : health care